
Morgan Quaintance: A New Wave?


ロンドン在住の気鋭の美術批評家、キュレーターであり、ミュージシャン、テレビやラジオのコメンテーターとしても活躍しているモーガン・クエインタンスMorgan Quaintance氏をお招きして、1980年代から90年代にかけて世界的にも注目されたイギリスのアートシーンが現在どうなっているのか、新しい動きがあるとすればそれはどのようなものなのか、彼自身のプロジェクトを含めて紹介してもらいます。興味のある方はどなたでも歓迎なのでぜひお越しください。


講師:モーガン・クエインタンス Morgan Quaintance (批評家、キュレーター、ロンドン在住)



In the UK a strikingly similar selection of discourses, debates and controversies are circulating through the mainstream art world. What was innovative and iconoclastic in the late 1980s and early ’90s, has today become grey orthodoxy. By briefly surveying the historical and institutional factors contributing to this condition, I’ll explore artists and organisations who represent an alternative to the status quo and try to explain how I use my curatorial practice in support of that cause.


Morgan Quaintance

Morgan Quaintance is a London-based writer, musician, broadcaster and curator. Born in South London, he is a regular contributor to Art Monthly, and has written for The Guardian, The Wire, Art Review, Frieze, Rhizome.org, and a number of curatorial sites and blogs. He is a contributing editor for E-Flux’s online publishing portal Art Agenda, is a founding member of the curatorial collective DAM PROJECTS, and was the 2015/16 curatorial fellow at Cubitt Gallery, London. As a presenter he has worked with BBC Television and Radio, Channel Four, Artfund, the Royal Opera House, National Theatre and Roundhouse, and is also the producer of Studio Visit, a monthly hour-long interviews-based programme, broadcast on Resonance 104.4 FM, featuring international contemporary artists as guests.

