Jenny Johannisson

国際芸術創造研究科(GA)では、修士1年生の必修科目「グローバル時代の芸術文化概論」にて、毎年海外からのゲストを招いて特別講義を実施しています。アートマネジメント・文化政策をテーマとした今回は、スウェーデンのボロース大学より北欧の文化政策の専門家Jenny Johannisson氏をお招きし、講義「スウェーデンの文化政策における脱中央集権化ー北欧各国の事例と共に」を開催します。また、ゲストとしてノルウェー音楽アカデミーのSigrid Røyseng氏をむかえ、講義「Rejection of public art: Conflicting definitions and evaluations」も同時に開催します。


日時 2019年5月17日(金)16:20~17:50
場所 東京芸術大学 千住校地 2階 大会議室



Lecture 1.
“Decentralization processes in Swedish cultural policy, with examples also from the other Nordic countries”
by Dr. Jenny Johannisson
Associate Professor Centre for Cultural Policy Research Swedish School of Library and Information Science University of Borås, Sweden


Jenny Johannisson is associate professor of Library and Information Science at the Centre for Cultural policy R
esearch, The Swedish School of Library and Information Science, University of Borås. Her main research interests are local and reginal cultural policy against the backdrop of globalization processes. In several externally funded research projects, she has primarily explored how local and regional public administration deals with inc
reased political autonomy in the cultural policy field. Since September 2018, she also works as an analyst at the Swedish Agency for Cultural Policy Analysis, assigned by the Government of Sweden to independently evaluate, analyze and pres
ent the effects of proposals and measures taken in the cultural policy field. Since 2012, she is the chair of The International Conference of Cultural Policy Research (ICCPR) Scientific Committee.


Lecture 2

“Rejection of Public Art: Conflicting Definitions and Evaluations”
by Dr. Sigrid Røyseng
Professor, Cultural Sociology at the Norwegian Academy of Music
Professor II, BI Norwegian Business School

Sigrid Røyseng is a Professor of Cultural Sociology at the Norwegian Academy of Music and Professor II at BI Norwegian Business School. She is trained as a sociologist from the University of Oslo and holds a PhD in Organization Theory from the University of Bergen. Røyseng has worked extensively with research on cultural policy, cultural entrepreneurship and cultural leadership. In the period 2014-2015 she was the editor in chief of the Nordic Journal of Cultural Policy.



主催:東京藝術大学大学院国際芸術創造研究科 熊倉純子研究室

東京藝術大学大学院国際芸術創造研究科 教員室