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Graduate School of Global Arts
Thesis Presentations 2025

Launched in spring of 2016, The program of Arts Studies and Curatorial Practices of the Graduate School of Global Arts (GA) focuses on three core areas of specialization – arts management, curation, and research – in order to study the relationship between the arts and society. GA hosts the 2025 Master’s and Doctoral Thesis of 13 prospective graduates. This is open to anyone interested in the accomplishments of the 11 Master’s students, as well as 2 Doctoral students.


Date: Friday, February 14th -Sunday, February 16th 2025
10am-7pm *Closed at 6pm on Sunday.
Venue: Senju Campus, Tokyo University of the Arts
Address: 1-25-1 Senju, Adachi-ku, Tokyo
Free Admission
Organized by Department of Arts Studies and Curatorial Practices, Graduate School of Global Arts, Tokyo University of the Arts

Toshiaki Ishikura / Associate Professor, Department of Arts & Roots, Akita Public Art University *Online, Toshimaru Ogura / Professor Emeritus, Toyama University, Akiko Kasuya / Professor, Kyoto City University of Art, Amane Kasai / Lecturer, Kyoto City University of Art, Yuka Kanno / Professor, Graduate School of Global Studies, Doshisha University, Naoya Fujita / Critic and Associate Professor, Japan Institute of the Moving Image, Yasuno Miyauchi / Composer, Director of Tsumugine, and Artistic Director of Cultural Centre of Fujimi City KIRARI☆FUJIMI from FY2025, Lana Tran / Assistant Professor, Graduate School of Global Arts, Tokyo University of the Arts, Shinya Watanabe / Independent Curator and Film Director, Ken Takiguchi / Dramaturg, Translator and General Manager at Setagaya Public Theatre, Leonhard Bartolomeus / Curator of Yamaguchi Center for Arts and Media [YCAM] , Miaoju Jian / Professor, Department of Communication, National Chung Cheng University, Chia-yi, Taiwan *Online, Seng Yujin / Director (Curatorial, Research and Exhibitions) and Senior Curator, National Gallery Singapore *Online

*Please check here for the timetable.
*The presentation time of Koyuri Sato on the 2nd day has been changed to 13:30-15:00.
*We would like to kindly remind you that we may not be able to guarantee a seat for all attendees due to the limited seating capacity of the venue.
*Presentations will be given in Japanese or English. Please note that there will be no interpretation provided.
*Exhibitions and presentations by the students of the Musical Creativity and the Environment, and post-graduate Creativity of Music and Sound courses, will be held concurrently. Please check this website for additional information. (In Japanese only)

You can reach us via followings:
Tel: +81-050-5525-2732


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