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KATO Akira: Aloof Bricoleur

Arts Maebashi presents this exhibition, the first one showing the activities of Akira Kato as one of the contemporary artists who newly represent the region of Gunma. Akira Kato carried on activities as an artist member of the “Gunma NOMO Group”, that was active in Maebashi in the 1960s.…

Entrance Examination Orientation Meeting 2017

An information session for the academic year 2018 will be held for prospective students and their guardians. In this session, which is followed by a question and answer session, our faculty will go through the course curriculum and admission…

Workshop Two Olympic Cities: London and Tokyo

How do the Olympic Games transform the faces of cities? How should we understand the relations between the Olympics, politics, economy, society and ideology? As a preparatory project for the international symposium ‘London…
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