「アートプロジェクトのピアレビュー」book project 進行中
What is &Geidai?
◎ 市民との共同事業を実施しようと考えている文化施設・財団職員
◎ 地域芸術祭の開催を予定している行政担当者
◎ ローカル・プロデューサーとなる市民や団体スタッフ
◎ フリーランスのアートマネジャーやコーディネーター
◎ 各地のアートプロジェクトのスタッフやボランティア経験者
◎ 一般社会人でアートマネジメント職への転職希望者
◎ 将来、当該分野の専門家をめざす大学生
“&Geidai” is an art-management human resource development program organized by Graduate School of Global Arts, Tokyo University of the Arts (TUA), with the focus on “art project in the global era”. The program aims to develop global perspective among arts managers while at the same time building solid skills and experiences to work with local communities. Participants will work closely with the three existing art projects in Senju, Ueno & Yanaka, and Toride, as their field of learning.
This program has two parts; “Global Perspective” will introduce the latest theories and case studies from across the world through international symposiums and lectures by inviting guests from abroad, while in “Theory and Practice”, participants will join one of the three practical fields to have hands-on experience of managing the arts programs. These experiences will be shared, reflected and theorized in the Exchange Lab, which will be held twice a year in summer and winter, where participants from all the fields gather at one place to discuss their learning.
Program will be held mostly in Japanese due to the nature of community-engaged programs in the specific areas of Japan. If you are interested to visit some events, please contact us through E mail below.
This program is designed especially for:
◎ Cultural institutions/foundation staffs who are planning to organize community programs,
◎ Municipalities/government officers who are in preparation for regional art festival,
◎ Citizens and community-group members who wish to become local art producers,
◎ Freelance art managers and coordinators,
◎ Staffs and experienced volunteers from various art projects/festivals,
◎ Those who wants to work as an art manager in community settings,
◎ College students aiming to be experts in the field of arts management in the future.
東京藝術大学が足立区、東京都、アーツカウンシル東京( 公益財団法人東京都歴史文化財団)、NPO法人音まち計画と連携して、2011年より実施している市民参加型アートプロジェクト「アートアクセスあだち 音まち千住の縁」(通称「音まち」)。アートを通じた新たなコミュニケーション(縁)を生み出すことをめざし、市民とアーティストが協働して、「音」をテーマとした多様なプログラムを展開している。& G では足立区千住を舞台とした3 つのフィールド・プログラムを実施。
AAA (or frequently called Oto-Machi) is a citizen-participatory art project in Senju neighborhood in Adachi Ward of Tokyo started in 2011. Oto-Machi is jointly organized by Tokyo University of the Arts, Municipality of Adachi Ward, Tokyo Metropolitan Government, Arts Council Tokyo, and Non-profit Organization Oto-machi Planning. The project aims to re-connect people and create new ēn (engagement or communication) through art programs focused on sound. Three of their community program will be open as a learning field for &G participants.
上野・谷中コース | FIELD UENO & YANAKA
Based in the historic area of Yanaka, Yanaka no Okatte organize, coordinate and support arts events and programs. Created by a group of artists and managers including graduates and current students of Tokyo University of the Arts, Okatte provides workshop facilitator development course and arts management start-up course for &G participants.
Toride Art Project (TAP) is one of the longest-running community-based art project started in 1999 by Tokyo University of the Arts, Toride City and the group of citizens. Currently managed by non-profit organization TAP Office, it has been providing space for capacity building for the young arts managers in the community. Based on the experience of running art project in suburban city of Toride, participants and members of TAP will jointly develop the idea of art center necessary to the community, thorough research and practice.
アートアクセスあだち 音まち千住の縁 事務局
一般社団法人 谷中のおかって
取手アートプロジェクト 実施本部
お問い合わせ | INQUIRIES
ga-bunkacho [at] ml.geidai.ac.jp
Graduate School of Global Arts, Tokyo University of the Arts (1-25-1, Senju, Adachi, Tokyo)
ga-bunkacho [at] ml.geidai.ac.jp
主催 | 東京藝術大学大学院国際芸術創造研究科
助成 | 平成29年度 文化庁 大学を活用した文化芸術推進事業「グローバル時代のアートプロジェクトを担うマネジメント人材育成事業」
認定 | 東京藝術大学130周年記念(応援プログラム)

© &Geidai, Graduate School of Global Arts, Tokyo University of the Arts, 2017