Serendipity in Japanese Art Projects: 11 Years of Memorial Rebirth Senju by Shinji Ohmaki —Our project story, participant voices, and project evaluations—

A document that unravels the 11-year history of “Memorial Rebirth Senju” through our project story, participant voices, and project evaluations is now available.
This document is available on the Tokyo Art Research Lab (TARL) website.

English ver. is here
※The English version is available only in PDF data.

[企画・制作]「アートアクセスあだち 音まち千住の縁」 事務局、東京藝術大学熊倉純子研究室
[イラストレーション]目 [mé]、mutsumi
[発行]公益財団法人東京歴史文化財団 アーツカウンシル東京

Shinji Ohmaki|Memorial Rebirth Senju

Memorial Rebirth (commonly known as “Memoriba”) is an art performance by the contemporary artist Shinji Ohmaki wherein dozens of machines that generate up to 10,000 soap bubbles per minute are installed into familiar townscapes, instantly transforming them into landscapes of light using countless soap bubbles. In Senju, beginning with Iroha Street in March 2012, “Memoriba” has been handed down like a baton while changing sites each year, from elementary schools to parks throughout Adachi City.

Website is here

Excerpt from the document, p.32