Sunil Maghani Special Talk

Art Practice PhD, and what comes after
(Practice Research in Print)

Date: 19th April 2022
Time: 18:00 
Venue: Lecture Room 1, Senju Campus, Tokyo University of the Arts
Speaker: Sunil Manghani (Professor of Theory, Practice & Critique and Director of Research at Winchester School of Art, University of Southampton (UK))
Moderator: Yoshirtaka Mori (Professor, Tokyo University of the Arts)

*The lecture will be given in English.

Art Practice PhD, and what comes after (Practice Research in Print)
For this talk, Prof. Manghani will firstly outline some of the key elements of a recently published article, ‘Practice  PhD Toolkit’ (in Journal of Visual Art Practice). The article provides an account of the practice PhD in art and the nature of the debates surrounding its development and status. In helping to define the practice PhD, the article distinguishes between projects and practice and provides a reference to key debates. Following discussion of participants own work, the talk will move to steps after the practice PhD, with specific focus on getting published. Here, experience is drawn from two notable journals, Journal of Visual Art Practice, which has a 20 year history, and Theory, Culture & Society, which is currently celebrating its 40th year. Participants maybe be interest to read ‘Practice  PhD Toolkit’ ahead of the talk, which is available open access:

Sunil Manghani is Professor of Theory, Practice & Critique and Director of Research at Winchester School of Art, University of Southampton (UK). He is the editor of Journal of Visual Art Practice, and managing editor of Theory, Culture & Society, and currently holds a fellowship with the Turing Institute, the UK’s national institute for AI. His books include Image Studies (2013), Zero Degree Seeing (2019); India’s Biennale Effect (2016) and Farewell to Visual Studies (2015). He curated Barthes/Burgin at the John Hansard Gallery (2016), along with Building an Art Biennale (2018) and Itinerant Objects (2019) at Tate Exchange, Tate Modern. 
@s_manghani |

Faculty Room, Graduate School of Global Arts, Tokyo University of the Arts