2018 Academic Year
Tokyo University of the Arts
Graduate School of Global Arts (MA Course)

Guidance for Prospective International Students is released

2018 Academic Year Tokyo University of the Arts Graduate School of Global Arts (MA Course) Guidance for Prospective International Students is updated and released on the University’s Admissions website.
Please make sure this year’s exam for foreign applicants will be held in September.

2018 Academic Year
Tokyo University of the Arts Graduate School of Global Arts (MA Course)
Guidance for Prospective International Students

Please see below for details:
Tokyo University of the Arts, exam information website

Faculty Room, Department of Arts Studies and Curatorial Practices, Graduate School of Global Arts, Tokyo University of the Arts
Office Hours (Ueno): 10:00-19:00 (Mon, Thu, Fri)
Tel (Ueno): +81-(0)50-5525-2725
Office Hours (Senju): 10:00~19:00 (Tue, Wed)
Tel (Senju): +81-(0)50-5525-2732