
「The New “Great Game”?
Anti-Japanism in the Era of China’s Rise」

講師:Professor Leo Ching, Duke University

この度、東京藝術大学大学院国際芸術創造研究科では本研究科開講科目「グローバル時代の芸術文化概論」の一環として、デューク大学教授のレオ・チンLeo Ching氏を招聘し特別講義を行います。

日時:2021年12月10日(金) 10:00-11:30 
講師:Professor Leo Ching, Duke University

https://forms.gle/DbYypDKhqEbcavMU6(学内生限定/最終〆切 12月9日 10:00)

*講義に先立ち、レオ・チン教授の新刊『反日:東アジアにおける感情の政治』人文書院、2021年の翻訳(監訳)者、倉橋耕平氏による準備講義を12月3日(金)5限 16:20-17:50に開催します。こちらは特に受け付けをしませんが、興味のある方はお問い合わせください。


The “new” Great Game suggests that, like the imperial competition of the past, we are witnessing a trans-imperial moment whereby Japan and China are vying for hegemony in East Asia. This is a new moment because East Asia, unlike Europe, has never had two co-existing superpowers. The prospect of a new imperial competition is complicated by the still-present American military power and the non-statist arena, especially in popular culture, where the imperial games are played out. Using two popular anti-Japan video games, Glorious Mission Online (2013) and The Invisible Guardian (2019) as case studies, I argue these games are symptomatic of the relations between warfare and game in general. I then outline the trend in game development that subverts conventional war games. Finally, I speculate on alternative game design over the disputed territories in the Southern China Sea that prioritize ecology over human conflict and development.

Leo Ching

 Leo T.S. Ching teaches Japanese and East Asian Cultural Studies at Duke University, USA. He is the author of Becoming Japanese: Colonial Taiwan and the Politics of Identity and Anti-Japan: The Politics of Sentiment in Postcolonial East Asia. He has published in boundary 2, positions: East Asian critique, Public Culture, Cultural Studies, and Inter-Asia Cultural Studies. His current research focuses on the archipelagic as alternative modes of knowing and being to the heretofore hegemonic knowledge production from mainlands and the continent.

お問い合わせ:東京藝術大学大学院国際芸術創造研究科 教員室