特別講義 :資本主義とアーティストの目

―クリストファー・ボーリガード / 渡邊拓也 / ルース・ウォーターズによるリサーチプレゼンテーション―





【日        時】10月24日(木)18:30-20:30 (開場18:00)

【会        場】東京藝術大学 上野音楽学部キャンパス 大学会館2階GA講義室(大学食堂キャッスルの上)

【ス ー】





【モデレーター】小澤慶介(アーカスプロジェクト ディレクター)

【参   加   費】無料

【申        込】不要

——————— 報告者 ———————

クリストファー・ボーリガード / Christopher Beauregard

Beauregard was born in Idaho, USA in 1981, and lives and works in Brussels, Belgium. He received an MFA from Carnegie Mellon University. Beauregard is interested in relationships between work and leisure, and primarily produces installations using objects. While observing the structures of cities and human behavior, he applies a light touch to exploration of connections between day-to-day life, of which labor forms the primary fabric, and play that emerges in the interstices of this fabric, combining organic and inorganic materials with various textures.

A still-life is just a game of proximity, 2018
撮影:Fabrice Schneider


渡邊 拓也 / Takuya Watanabe


Watanabe was born in Tokyo in 1990, and lives and works there today. He earned an MFA in Inter-Media Art at Tokyo University of the Arts. While addressing the circumstances of individuals he meets through research and interviews, Watanabe produces video installations that paradoxically reveal the structures and power dynamics of our society. Watanabe originally studied ceramics, but after encountering the repetitive tasks of workers he observed at a ceramic tile factory, he produced Factory worker “K” dealing with the theme of labor, and has presented other works such as The things his brother was seeing, which focuses on suburbs and the family while addressing themes of sibling relationships and domestic violence.



ルース・ウォーターズ / Ruth Waters


Waters was born in Lancaster, UK in 1986, and lives and works in London. She studied fine art at Goldsmiths, University of London. Waters is concerned with anxiety arising from incessant communication among people of today in our current, highly networked era. Based on research into materials on the Internet and interviews with affected people, she writes scripts, creates sets, shoots footage, and presents work in the form of video installations.

Emotion Over Raisin, 2019

撮影:Rocio Chacon



【お問合せ先】東京藝術大学大学院国際芸術創造研究科 http://ga.geidai.ac.jp/inquiry/


〒302-0101茨城県守谷市板戸井2418もりや学びの里内 アーカススタジオ(担当:外山)


TEL:0297-46-2600  E-mail:arcus@arcus-project.com  Web:http://www.arcus-project.com