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Interview|THE FUTURE OF CURATIONSHIP WITH TECHNOLOGY Interview with Hans Ulrich Obrist

Interview THE FUTURE OF CURATIONSHIP WITH TECHNOLOGY Interview with Hans Ulrich Obrist

As part of the catalogue of “Alter-narratives”, in which we pursue the discussion on the potential of online exhibitions from a broader perspective, I had the privilege of interviewing Mr. Hans Ulrich Obrist, the director of the Serpentine Galleries in London. I hope to introduce his ideas on curating online through the following dialogue, as he is a curator that expands the definition of exhibition through his interdisciplinary practices, having conducted a number of digital programmes.

Interview|Bruno Latour Booting up the Critical Zone

Special Interview Booting Up the Critical Zone: Interview with Bruno Latour Text=Yohji Suzuki For five days from May 14, 2018, I participated in a workshop at HfG Karlsruhe (Staatliche Hochschule für Gestaltung Karlsruhe, or Karlsruhe University of Arts and Design) in Germany. The workshop was to help prepare for an exhibition to be held in the ZKM (Zentrum für Kunst und Medientechnologie, or Center for Art and Media) in 2020, and this was the second such event. The main curator for the exhibition is Bruno Latour, a famous philosopher of science technology and society.

Special Lecture Report | Eri KAWADE Archiving TUA Lectures by Nicolas BOURRIAUD

Special Lecture Report Eri KAWADE Archiving TUA Lectures by Nicolas BOURRIAUD On the Series of Lectures and Seminars at TUA GAAP and the Release of Video Documentation of His Special Lecture, The Relational Landscape of the 21st Century: Art between Human and Non-Human Spheres 2018/02/05

Special Lectures and Seminars Organized by the Department of Arts Studies and Curatorial Practices, Graduate School of Global Arts, Tokyo University of the Arts January 5 – 10, 2018 Ueno Campus, Tokyo University of the Arts

Special Lecture Report | Koki TANAKA  Guided beyond Intention: On the Thought of HU Fang: Thoughts on Listening to the Special Lecture

Special Lecture Report Koki TANAKA Guided beyond Intention: On the Thought of HU Fang: Thoughts on Listening to the Special Lecture ──“Art and Culture in the Age of Globalization: Towards a Non-intentional Space: Potentials of Spaces for Art Today” 2017/12/24

 0 For us — that is to say, for artists — what does the notion of the “individual” signify, and how can we take it apart? And how can we reconsider the position of the “author” in the context of artworks and art projects? ...

On the Media
 | A Preview Interview with Yuko Hasegawa on “De-Colonizing Art Institutions”: CURATING! Documentary Film and a Digital Archive

On the Media A Preview Interview with Yuko Hasegawa on “De-Colonizing Art Institutions”: CURATING! Documentary Film and a Digital Archive 2017/08/04

A short interview video with Professor Yuko Hasegawa has just been released to the general public. This interview was conducted as a preview from the digital archive project, CURATING!:Curating Explored with a Camera: Politics of Display, Politics of Site, Politics of Knowledge Production, Politics of Transfer and Translation, which has been planned and produced by Post-Graduate Programme in Curating at the University of the Arts Zurich (ZHdK) since 2015.

Landscape Exhibition and Symposium Review: Neither Utopia nor Dystopia in the Changing Landscape Today

Landscape Exhibition and Symposium Review Neither Utopia nor Dystopia in the Changing Landscape Today 2017/04/03

Decoding the 21st century landscape in Asia, one that is rapidly changing in light of technological, economic, and societal shifts in the age of globalization; TUA’s Graduate School of Global Arts and Art Institute Kitakyushu presented LANDSCAPE: Hotel Asia Project 2017 – is a three day exhibition and symposium (January 27 to 29, 2017) that was held at the Department of Music Exhibition Room in Tokyo University of the Arts, Ueno Campus.

Report | Challenges of the Chapter Art Centre After listening to a lecture by Mr James Tyson

Report Challenges of the Chapter Art Centre After listening to a lecture by Mr James Tyson 2017/01/06

On July 22, 2016, in the third lecture in the series Introduction to Art and Culture in the Global Age, Mr James Tyson delivered a case study on Chapter Arts Centre in Cardiff, Wales, UK, where he worked as the Head of the Theatre department from 1999 to 2011. In the lecture, he posed two important questions: What is the role of the art center and how can you connect the arts and its community? To answer these questions, he used Chapter Arts Centre as an example, exploring in detail its historical background.

Report | How Do We Land from the Sky of “Modernity”? After Listening to Lectures by Professor Bruno Latour

Report How Do We Land from the Sky of “Modernity”? After Listening to Lectures by Professor Bruno Latour 2017/01/06

This essay is based on lectures by Professor Bruno Latour as part of the series, Introduction to Art and Culture in Global Age undertaken at the Graduate School of Global Arts, Tokyo University of the Arts. Informed by the lectures by Latour, this essay mainly aims to report “Reset Modernity!”, his most recent curatorial practice at ZKM, Center for Art and Media, Karlsruhe, Germany. At the end of this essay, it also analyze the different attitudes towards problems of modernity by analyzing and referring to the unique case of the modernization of Japan.

Special Lecture | Anselm Franke The Delirious Museum

Special Lecture Anselm Franke The Delirious Museum 2016/12/12

Held on November 17, 2016 Venue: Tokyo University of the Arts, Ueno Campus, Lecture Room 5-109

Tokyo University of the Arts Graduate School of Global Arts invited this fall Dr Anselm Franke, Curator and Writer, Head of Visual Art and Film at the Haus der Kulturen der Welt, Berlin, as a special guest lecturer to our School. Along with a lecture for our all-students’ compulsory course “Introduction to Art and Culture in the Global Age” and “Art Studies and Curatorial Practices” seminars and workshops with Professor Yuko Hasegawa, he delivered a special lecture open to the general public at our Ueno campus.

On the Media | Latour: Rethinking ecological crisis from the ground down

On the Media Latour: Rethinking ecological crisis from the ground down 2016/10/21

Published in The Japan Times on Sunday, August 14, 2016

Professor Bruno Latour who visited us in July was featured in the English language newspaper The Japan Times on Sunday on August 14, 2016. The interview was conducted for about an hour at the lobby of the Tokyo Station Hotel in Marunouchi during his stay in Japan in July. Science journalist, Mike Sunda, wrote a very extensive and fruitful article, using quotes from the interview, where Professor Latour talked about discussions on the new regime surrounding relations between today’s ecological reality and human societies, which he talked about in our class “Introduction to Art and Culture in the Global Age” and his public lecture. He also mentioned about his thoughts on Fukushima and its disaster-striken area.

Special Lecture | Bruno Latour Le nouveau régime climatique et les trois esthétiques: science, art et politique

Special Lecture Bruno Latour Le nouveau régime climatique et les trois esthétiques: science, art et politique The New Climatic Regime and Three Aesthetics: Science, Art and Politics 2016/10/21

Held on July 1, 2016 Venue: Tokyo University of the Arts, Ueno Campus, Lecture Room 5-109

The Department of Arts Studies and Curatorial Practices at the Tokyo University of the Arts Graduate School of Global Arts invited Dr Bruno Latour, Professor at Sciences Po Paris and the Scientific Director of the Science Po Medialab, as a special guest lecturer to our School this summer. He is a Sociologist of Science and an Anthropologist of Science who has been vigorously developing his study since the 1970s, trespassing the boundaries dividing various fields of study such as History of Science, History of Art, History of Mankind, Philosophy, Anthropology and Theology. Along with a lecture for our all-students’ compulsory course “Introduction to Art and Culture in the Global Age” and “Art Studies and Curatorial Practices” seminars and workshops with Professor Yuko Hasegawa, he delivered a special lecture open to the general public at our Ueno campus.
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