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Virtual Bodies: Absence/Presence in Media

In Virtual Bodies: Absence/Presence in Media, 14 artists based in Japan, Chile, China, Germany, Mexico, and the United States reflect on the post pandemic world through the idea of virtuality...

Special Lecture by Prof. Sarat Maharaj

We are pleased to have a special lecture by Prof. Sarat Maharaj of Lund University (Sweden) as part of the "Introduction to Arts and Culture in the Age of Globalization"...

Thailand Biennale, KORAT 2021

The "Thailand Biennale, KORAT 2021," for which Professor Yuko Hasegawa of Tokyo University of the Arts serves as artistic director, will open on December 18th..

International Conference & Workshop A/R/P (Art/Research/Practice) 2021

The fields of contemporary art and research in the humanities and social sciences are beginning to interconnect. Research-based art (RBA)—in which artists create artworks and projects based on sociological and anthropological research—has been expanding greatly, partly due to the “social turn” in contemporary art since the early 1990s...

International Conference & Workshop: A/R/P (Art/Research/Practice)2021 Call for Papers & Projects

The International Conference & Workshop: A/R/P (Art/Research/Practice)2021 is now calling for papers or projects. In addition to conventional academic conference presentations, we welcome any other ambitious presentation forms such as video, film, music/sound, performance, and exhibitions. In principle, presentations should be no longer than 20 minutes, but please consult with us regarding other formats.

Celebrating the Publication of “Japanorama” (Suiseisha): Talk Event by Yuko Hasegawa, Yasuo Kobayashi and Futoshi Hoshino “Panorama of Japanese Contemporary Art”

Celebrating the Publication of "Japanorama" (Suiseisha): Talk Event by Yuko Hasegawa, Yasuo Kobayashi and Futoshi Hoshino "Panorama of Japanese Contemporary Art" The exhibition "JAPANORAMA" was held at the Centre Pompidou, Metz in 2017. The exhibition, which was held at the Centre Pompidou in Metz in 2017, depicted a panorama of contemporary Japanese visual culture since 1970, with six themes arranged like an archipelago, including "Strange Objects, Bodies: Posthuman," "Poetics Beyond Politics," and "Soft, Floating Subjectivity, Ultra-Private Documentary. This exhibition, which depicted contemporary visual culture in Japan since 1970 as a panorama, caused a great sensation. We are pleased to announce…

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