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About TNUA / Tokyo Geidai Exchange Artists+ Program TEA+

TEA+ is a shortened form of Tokyo University of the Arts / Taipei National University of the Arts Exchange Artists+ Program. The program was launched in the academic year 2024 to support opportunities to create and investigate artistic practices, and to apply new ideas generated through these activities to education and research. Every year, one to three artists, musicians, performers, and researchers that graduated from National Taipei University of the Arts (TNUA) and Tokyo University of the Arts (Tokyo Geidai) are selected to stay for a period of one to three months. During their stay, they will produce artworks or…

Video “Introduction to GA”

Introduction Video Released We are pleased to announce that we, the Graduate School of Global Arts have produced an introduction video titled "Introduction to GA." In this video, we invite you to explore the Graduate School of Global Arts (GA) at Tokyo University of the Arts, featuring tours of the Ueno and Senju campuses. And you will discover GA's educational philosophy, specific course offerings, and examples of student activities through interviews with current students and glimpses into actual classes. The video is now available on our website and on GA's YouTube channel.We invite all those interested to watch it.

Introduction to GA’s Seven Labs

Introduction to GA's Seven Labs We are pleased to announce that we, the Graduate School of Global Arts, has produced introduction videos for GA's seven labs. These videos are available on the faculty introduction page of this website. We encourage prospective students and anyone interested to take a look.

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