Q1 Of the documents that need to be submitted with the application, when is the submission deadline for the “Research Plan,” “Statement of Purpose,” and “Written Discussion”?

A1 Please refer to our Admissions Website for the deadline. Note that the printed documents that you send must be identical to those submitted in PDF format and no changes are permitted.

Q2 Is it possible to submit a copy or reproduction of the language proficiency certificate(s)?

A2 Please submit the original. We do not accept your own printouts of test scores announced online.

Q3 Is it possible to send the language proficiency certificate(s) directly from the examining body to the university?

A3 Yes. When doing so, please write it down on your application that your certificate will be sent directly from the examining body, and please arrange for the documents to arrive by the deadline.

Q4 Is it possible to send multiple language proficiency certificates separately from multiple examining bodies?

A4 Yes.

Q5 When is the submission deadline for the language proficiency certificate(s)?

A5 Please send the original certificate(s) when mailing the application documents. It is not necessary to submit the certificate(s) during the online application.


Q6 Is it mandatory to submit the language proficiency certificate(s)?

A6 Native speakers of English and applicants who have earned or will earn a degree from an English-speaking institution of higher education are exempt from this requirement.
The term here, “English-speaking institution of higher education” basically refers to higher education institutions in countries or regions where English is the primary official language.
There may be cases where you will feel uncertain about this exemption, such as graduating from a school where all classes are conducted in English, but not located in a primarily English-speaking region. In such cases, we ask that you contact us in advance via email.


Q7 Do I need to be screened for eligibility?

A7 The only applicants who need to be screened are those who do not fall under items 1-8 in “Eligibility to apply” information posted on our Admissions Website.
For example, if you do not have an official degree from a higher education institution, but have received an equivalent education from a private institution that does not offer such degrees, screening is required.
So, if you do not meet the requirements, please apply for the eligibility screening by requesting for the necessary documents to be sent to you by contacting the Educational Affairs Section of the Senju Campus Administrative Center (senju.kyomu@ml.geidai.ac.jp), and submit them by the due date.

Q8 Is it possible to acquire the national curatorial certification at GA?

A8 Yes, it is possible. Please refer to our curriculum outline (Japanese) for details. Please note that even if you have earned some or all credits from other universities, there are also some classes that you may need to retake, based on our internal reguration. All classes are conducted in Japanese.

Q9 I have completed all classes required for the national curatorial certification already, but would only like to take the required final museum training at your University. Is that possible?

A9 Yes, but please note that, as stated above, there are also some classes that you may need to retake, based on our internal reguration.
Regarding the acquisition of the national curatorial certification, please refer to our curriculum outline (Japanese) for details.

Q10 What kind of content do you expect the Written Discussion to explore? If I have not written a under-graduate thesis related to what I would like to learn here, is it necessary to write something new?

A10 If you have already written a uner-graduate thesis, you can write the piece based on that. If you plan to submit the graduation thesis this year and have not yet completed it, please write a discussion based on your ideas at the present stage. Generally, for Master’s programs, students are required to consider the kind of work they will continue with and develop based on what they have studied in the faculty.
Having said that, at the Graduate School of Global Arts, students engage in new forms transdisciplinary research and practice, which were not covered in much depth at undergraduate level. Therefore, some students will want to focus on content that is not necessarily connected to their area of specialization in the faculty. The Graduate School hopes to open its doors to such students. However, if you submit a graduation thesis written about a completely different research field to those offered by the Graduate School, we will be unable to judge it appropriately, so please submit a discussion that demonstrates that you have sufficient knowledge and experience for entering the Graduate School.
Although the Applicant Guidelines state that applicants should submit a “written discussion on “art-produce”, which means arts (including fine arts, music and any other artistic expression) theory and curatorial practices,” the admission meant to assess whether you have sufficient ability for conducting research at the Graduate School, so it is not necessary to limit your discussion to “art-produce” in the narrow sense. You should demonstrate what kind of analytical and descriptive abilities you have regarding the theory and practice of art and culture in the broad sense.

Q11 Are titles included in the word count of the Written Discussion? Do I have to adhere strictly to the designated word count?

A11 Please consider the “4,000 Japanese characters or 2,000 English words” stipulated in the Applicant Guidelines as a guideline for the word count when preparing the discussion.

Q12 Is it possible to include figures and tables in the Written Discussion? Can I attach videos such as DVDs and sound materials?

A12 Yes, it is possible to include figures and tables. However applicants are not permitted to attach videos or sound materials.

Q13  What is the scoring system for the first-stage examination?

A13  We do not disclose the allocation of marks for each item. Since, particularly in the case language study, the required abilities will vary depending on your intended field of study, we do not have minimum score, and examinees will be judged on an individual basis.

Q14 To what extent are the grades on the academic transcript considered?

A14 This is handled in the same way as A11.

Q15 Do you disclose the number of examinees?

A15 See the Admission Results (Japanese) for details.

Q16 I am a non-Japanese citizen living in Japan. Should I take the General Entrance Examination or the Entrance Examination for Non-Japanese Students?

A16 You can apply for either, but you cannot apply for both, so please make your own decision about which one to apply for.

Q17 Is it possible to study at GA while working?

A17 All classes are held during the daytime on weekdays, so it is difficult to study while working full-time.

Q18 Do you offer individual laboratory visits?

A18 Yes, we do. Please contact each laboratory for details.

Q19 Are international students who have graduated from a Japanese university classified as international students when they apply?

A19 If you are a foreign national, you can select either the General Entrance Examination or the Entrance Examination for International Students.

Q20 Do the language selection criteria differ between laboratories?

A20 They vary from labs.

Q21 What are the opportunities for exchange programs abroad?

A21 Currently, there are no exchange programs at GA.

Q22 I have a question about the student dormitory. Is there a case where I cannot enter the dormitory because it is full?

A22 Yes, there are cases as such.

Q23 Is the oral examination always conducted in person?

A23 If you live outside Japan, you can request an online interview.

Q24 Is it possible to work on a project in a laboratory other than the one I have chosen?

A24 Yes, you can.

Q25 If I am applying as a research student, will I be able to take the same Introduction to Arts and Culture in the Age of Globalization class as a master’s student? And are the classes for research students different from those in the master’s program?

A25 Please consult with your academic advisor about the courses you can take.

Q26 What is the percentage of graduates who obtain a doctoral degree each year?

A26 It varies from year to year, but in the year 2023, there were 5 graduates.

Q27 I have written a research plan, but is it okay if the subject or content of my research changes after I enter the program?

A27 Yes, that is possible.

Q28 Is there an age limit for the entrance examination?

A28 There is no upper age limit, but you must be at least 22 years old.

Q29 Regarding study abroad, is it possible to study abroad while still in university?

A29 Yes, it is possible.